young voice英语广播:2024(9)《肖申克的救赎》:在逆境中希望和友谊的感人故事-304am永利集团


young voice英语广播

young voice英语广播:2024(9)《肖申克的救赎》:在逆境中希望和友谊的感人故事-304am永利集团

发布时间:2024-06-07    通讯员:曹硕    编辑者:石静怡     审核人:侯爽





the shawshank redemption: a poignant tale of hope and friendship in the face of adversity


the shawshank redemption, directed by frank darabont and based on the novel shawshank redemption by stephen king, is a timeless classic in the world of cinema. the film tells the story of andy dufresne(played by tim robbins), a former banker who is sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife and her lover - a crime he claims he did not commit. he is sent to shawshank state penitentiary, where he meets red (played by morgan freeman), a long-time inmate who has made peace with his life at the prison.


despite the harsh conditions they endure, andy and red strike up an unlikely friendship. andy uses his financial expertise to help the prison guards and the warden, samuel norton (played by bob gunton), with their finances, which earns him special privileges. however, his ultimate goal is to escape from the prison and start a new life outside.


there are four types of people in this prison.

1.brooks hatlen,who never escape from prison.

hewalked out of prison, but he still had a high wall in his heart. disappointed and confused, he ended his life with a rope.“evolution means pain, but not evolution means death.”

2.samuel norton wearing the chain of desire.

prison warden norton holds supreme power in prison and is a ruthless moneymaking machine. he said to the prisoner:“put your trust in the lord.your ass belongs to me.”when the evidence of his corruption was anonymously submitted to the police station by andy, norton fell from a high position in an instant and became destitute.he couldn't bear the blow and committed suicide by swallowing a gun.“the desire of a person is a burning fire, and if left unchecked, it will burn people's eyes forever.”



2.戴上欲望枷锁的诺顿。监狱长诺顿,在监狱里拥有至高的权力,更是一台无情的敛财机器。他对犯人说:“把信仰交给神,把贱命交给我。”当他贪污的证据,被安迪匿名提交给警察局时,诺顿一瞬间从高位下摔了下来,变得一无所有。他无法承受这种打击,吞枪自杀。“人的欲望就是烈火,如果不加以控制,将会烧得人永无宁目。” sank into the comfort zone.

he said:“these walls are kind of funny like that. first you hate them, then you get used to them. enough time passed, get so you depend on them.that’s institutionalized.”after being imprisoned for 40 years, he was completely institutionalized and willingly imprisoned.when he had no hope of his third parole release application, the judge approved it for him.“people are products of the environment.”

red had also been at a loss like brooks, but he did not like brooks hatlen, instead reignited hope in his heart. he met andy on the island and was truly redeemed.


4.andy, who is not bound in his heart.

if the heart is shackled, it cannot escape the shackles of life wherever it goes. he had also hesitated, puzzled, and deeply wronged, but unlike his fellow inmates, he never gave up hope.“when a person knows why they live, they can tolerate any kind of life.”


we often paint ourselves as prisons, with prisons being ourselves, prisoners being ourselves,as well as the presiding judge being ourselves.“any place you don't like, but you can't leave.,any kind of life you don't like, but can't get out of is a prison. if you feel miserable and unfree,i hope there's always a flame in you that won't go out.don't be numb, don't be assimilated.desperately trying to be someone who has the strength.”


even if we are in a difficult situation, we should maintain an indestructible flame in our hearts. believe in your inner strength, face difficulties bravely, and move forward courageously.

every man has his breaking point.fear can hold you prisoner. hope can set you free.takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.that’s what andy did,he redeemed himself and also redeemed others.



yes,hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.never give up hope and the path of redemption lies within it。



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